Arete Scholars


Prairie View Academy participates in the Arete Scholars program, a state-funded scholarship program that provides funds for new students to PVA, either students starting in Kindergarten or those who attended public schools in the 2025-26 school year, grades K-12.

The application for the 2025-26 school year opens now open! Deadline is May 31st or 4,000 applications.

Please remember scholarships are awarded on a first come, first serve basis. A completed application does not guarantee entrance into the school. We will begin notifying families in May on the status of their application.

See Arete links below:



Prairie View Academy is participating in the LA GATOR Scholarship Program.

Student Eligibility

For a student to be eligible for an ESA, the student must be a resident of Louisiana and meet one of the following:

  • Participated in the Louisiana Scholarship Program previous school year

  • Entering kindergarten

  • Enrolled in a public school the previous school year

  • From a family with total income at or below 250% of federal poverty guidelines

Student eligibility is terminated when a participating student meets one of the following:

  • Enrolls full-time in a public school

  • Ceases to be a Louisiana resident

  • Found to have fraudulent representation in the application for the account or in conjunction with payment of funds

  • Graduates or withdraws from school

  • Account inactive for two consecutive years

Student Prioritization

Funding for student accounts is subject to annual legislative appropriation of state funds. If allocated funds are insufficient to fund all eligible students, awards shall be prioritized as follows:

  1. Students currently participating in the Louisiana Scholarship Program or LA GATOR

  2. Students from a family with a total income at or below 250% of the federal poverty guidelines and students identified as having a disability under IDEA

  3. Siblings of students currently participating in LA GATOR

  4. Other eligible students

Student Awards

The maximum annual award shall be calculated using a multiplier of the prior year Minimum Foundation Program (MFP) formula average state and local per pupil amount.

For the 2025-2026 school year, the award will be the following:

  • Up to $15,253 (160% of MFP) for students identified as having a disability consistent with the IDEA

  • $7,626 (80% of MFP) for students from a family with a total income at or below 250% of the federal poverty guidelines

  • $5,243 (55% of MFP) for any other eligible student

Louisiana Scholarship Program Students: Students who participated in the Louisiana Scholarship Program during the 2024-2025 school year, subject to the allocation of state funds, shall be awarded an amount equal to the award amount received in 2024-2025 and shall continue to receive this award until the student completes the school’s terminal grade or until the student leaves the school, whichever comes first.

Eligible LA GATOR Expenses

Families participating in the LA GATOR Scholarship Program can use their funds for the following approved education expenses. Please note all purchases and tuition payments will be completed through the Odyssey Platform.

  • Tuition or fees at a participating nonpublic school or for nonpublic online learning programs

  • Curricula and textbooks or other instructional materials, including but not limited to supplemental materials or online instruction required by a participating nonpublic school or service provider

  • Tuition, fees, instructional materials, and examination fees at a career or technical school

  • Fees for assessments approved by the LDOE, Advanced Placement examinations, CLEP examinations, International Baccalaureate examinations, and other examinations related to postsecondary education institution admission

  • Educational services and therapies, including but not limited to occupational, behavioral, physical, speech-language, and audiology therapies

  • Tuition and fees at a postsecondary education institution providing instruction for a student participating in dual enrollment

  • Tutoring provided by a tutor or a tutoring service

  • Services contracted for and provided by a participating public school, including, but not limited to, individual classes and extracurricular activities and programs

  • Computer hardware or other technological devices primarily used to help meet a student’s educational needs

  • Educational software applications

  • School uniforms

  • Tuition or fees for summer education programs and before or after-school education or childcare programs that offer academic support

  • Parent navigation services, including professional consultations to assist parents with the selection of, application for, and enrollment in educational services addressing the academic needs of students, curriculum selection, and advice on career and postsecondary education opportunities

  • Any other educational supplies or expenses approved by BESE


Please click on the link below to apply: